Tuesday, September 16

Is it autumn yet?

So, its been over a week since I wrote something and, for someone breaking into the blog arena, I figure that's in poor form. I could fall back on the recent excuses of family-unit scheduling, volunteer responsibilities with the kids' new school, or attempts at restricting my computer use to a few hours per day, to name a few, but what it boils down to is: I'm just plain apprehensive of the whole thing.

At the request of a good, knowledgeable friend, I'd recently googled my username in order to get an idea of the breadth and flavor of its (my) online tracks. While the exercise was mildly interesting and informative, I was stunned at the number of instances where my name came up. Apparently, I was either subconsciously sabotaging a potential future in espionage or I've spent FAR more time on teh intarwebs than I'd thought.
It'd be better to be a sloppy saboteur, (mmm, good word) I think. Yes.
Considering that it has been recommended that I create a "brand" of sorts in line with my blog presence, I believe I have my work cut out for me in either cleaning up said chaotic mess or coming to terms with the (too?)oft-raised voice depicted in the "chimpchampion" trail behind me.

That said, I'm still feeling out the stay-at-home-Dad thing these days, but diligent about getting the hang of it sooner than later... if only to facilitate a calmer schedule and thereby an easier, more accessible atmosphere in our household. I'm here at the St. Johns Anna Bananna's in an attempt to push my internet addiction to bear some fruit with a visually/audibly active environment and peripheral clock-watching, Neil Young screams through his guitar, laying out bleedingly desolate mesas and noose-taut sunsets. Seeing as how I purposefully only brought the handful of change on my desk to limit the cafe decadence I allowed myself, I've been nursing a single cup of brewed for 2+ hrs, and can only imagine the face Holly'd give me if she could only see me drinking this (deliciously) long-since-cold black bitterness. Ha.

If this post is only good for getting my ass busy today, maybe I can shoot for the stars and ask you precious few readers to lend me your two cents; tell me what it is to have a hemi-weekly blog, and tell me how you set up routines to keep the inspiration and responsibility tended to, yeah?

Lastly, now that I think of it: I've been a "gaming" geek for nearly 20 years now, though I shy away from the straight tabletop schlock that, sadly enough, ends up feeding the shitty "gamer" stereotype. Honestly, I have yet to find another pastime that comes close to fulfilling me and my imagination in the way that a good story-centric game can. Yeah, I said it. Story-based. Meaning a plot-heavy, engaging series of sessions that deeply involve major characters' backgrounds and populated by well-crafted personas for interaction and development of the storyline.
So, anyone know of a writers-group type gang who has an opening for one more? I'll take a straight writers-group, if a game is not forthcoming, too... I'll try something new, for sure.

Now? I'm going to stare at the sun a bit.

Update! My eldest, Darian, just broke his wrist! Holyshit.

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