Tuesday, March 3

A shovel fulla coal...

  • David Peterson, the creator of Mouse Guard, has a blog? Why was I not informed?!
  • Even the genetically-enhanced, reigning king of cute, has his own blog. Ohgod, ohgod, we're all gonna die.
  • Pixar draws on Disney's roots of clever cuteness and impeccable comedic timing in this marvelous short, entitled, Presto
  • "The first touch-screen flexible e-paper has been developed by a team from Arizona State University and E-Ink (the company that makes the technology for Amazon's Kindle and Sony's Reader)."
  • Zombie Strippers has a heart of gold? You don't say...
  • This painting has its own music video, so take that, you nasty, undead exhibitionists.
  • Speaking of the undead, Kobold Quarterly does it up right
  • Oh, and lest we forget another thematically relevant phenomenon in the realm of geek, Order of the Stick explores soul splicing as a nuclear plot option.
  • ... and, to round out the list nicely with a bit if jaw-slacking, saliva-inducing eye-candy, I give you the latest installment of Food Porn

That's all (for now), folks! Get back to work, slackers!


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