Wednesday, December 2

Picking up the stick again....

Let's see. A lot has happened since I last sat down to write in here, and pleasantly enough the majority of it has been good. Very good.

Speaking of the last time I visited, I've heard that bulleted lists are the way to go if you want your blog to be read to completion. Silly as I think that watering down a series of interesting points is (to say nothing of directly opposing my dearly-held views on empowering my fellow citizens with knowledge, direction and the confidence to seek their dreams), I will concede to the SEO theory on this one and choose my battles more carefully nowadays. To whit, I'll try to apply said blog advice with a grain of salt and appease my own demons by keeping the infectious stupid of "convenience" and the like to a bare minimum.

To those of you here who do not, for some odd reason or another, know me personally: welcome! For all of you, here's a list of the aforementioned bits of fortune and adventure I found this year. I'm always up for more, so bend my ear sometime and hip me to your brand of mischief, yeah?
(Explore all of the links to receive the grok, or just power through like you're late late late for a very important date. You choose.)
  • First off, this May, I married the woman of my dreams. Sincerely. I am astounded in the enth degree with my life and could go on for days. Most of you already know that.
  • We're buying a house as soon as we find "the one", and to expedite that process, I'll be picking up my camera, my brush and my pen (maybe even at the same time! bends the noodle, don't it?) in the very near future. I'm more than happy to take commissions as soon as the missus sits still for the finishing touches on the 3'x4' piece she's inspired.
  • In my off-hours, I have quietly defied The Fates by gathering together on some regularity *gasp* a small group of healthy, socially-adept, hygienically-capable and uniquely imaginative gamer geeks *no. how is this possible?!* for a story-centric campaign (ie. eff "the rules". we are the stuff of legend.) in a world that is a happy smattering of so many homages and I-wish-I-still-played-that-bygone-character whimsy. I suppose, for simplicity's sake, I could best describe it as Nexus at the core, Shadowrun on top, and Firefly in the gutters, all contained in a sprawling, steampunk snowglobe of (demi?)mortality where sorcery and technology leapfrog in a great viral race to oblivion.

  • The three clever sprouts I've recently and gladly inherited never cease to amaze me with their seemingly innate ability to teach me about the sanctity of innocence and the curiosity that dissolves it; about compassion, open-armed understanding and to keep from taking things for granted. To reflect this, one of the greatest, lessons I'm endeavoring to learn above all others currently, I took the opportunity to try my hand at tattooing. Myself. I think it came out surprisingly good for a one-handed first attempt at something so indelible and unkind to mistakes. Perhaps there'll be more exploration on that front later. We'll see.

  • Finishing up the insurance license courses with a local school is of high importance, too, so I can take my first steps into a much-anticipated career shift for the better. I'm sure that, from time to time, there will be blogging about my trials & tribulations in the exciting world of Property & Casualty insurance, but mostly this blog'll be about new geekiness, some amazing boobies and various other fun bits, don't you fret none!

All these things considered, I'm also considering paying more attention to certain other niche interests of mine, with topics such as "What's the difference between erotica and porn", "What makes a pin-up and where have they gone?", and other throaty proselytizing rants that are best fueled by whiskey and punctuated by firmly gesticulating, cigarette-scissoring fingers. Well, that's how I'll write them at least.

You'll have to come to one of our frequent house events to see them birthed or molded in real-time.

Either way, see you in the 8th Dimension, and hold onto your thrusters!

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